Cheap Divorce in Tennessee: Available Methods
In most cases, divorce is a stressful and extended process that affects not only the spouses’ nervous system but also their financial situation. For many couples, a cheap divorce in Tennessee remains an unattainable goal due to the high expenses related to resolving disputes between parties on marriage dissolution terms. Typically, the cheapest way to get a divorce is to act independently without involving lawyers, mediators, and other experts. However, it’s not the only way to get a really cheap divorce in Tennessee and save money on attorneys without the risk of getting an undesirable divorce outcome. If you are looking for an option to prepare cheap divorce papers online, this article contains information on how to obtain cheap divorce forms required for your case. In addition, it focuses on several ways of getting a cheap divorce in Tennessee and their advantages and disadvantages.
How to Get a Cheap Divorce in Tennessee?
You can file for cheap divorce in Tennessee in several ways: doing everything independently in a do-it-yourself (DIY) divorce, with the involvement of a lawyer, or using an online service for preparing cheap divorce papers.

Divorce with an Attorney
Filing for divorce with an attorney is a traditional way to terminate your marriage. It may be the safest option because a lawyer handles all the paperwork and represents your interests in court. However, the cost of services is determined by their hourly rate, which can be very high. Reducing the expenses on lawyers is possible if you opt for limited representation. It means that you hire a legal assistant only for certain services like explaining the process, helping with document preparation, etc.
DIY Divorce
DIY divorce is the cheapest way to get a divorce within the state. It assumes that you determine what documents you need, find, and fill them out on your own. With this cheapest way to divorce, your expenses will be minimal, consisting mainly of court fees. Although this is the most common way to get a cheap divorce in Tennessee, it is quite risky because you can never be sure you will obtain the expected result. In addition, you can make mistakes and will have to prepare papers again to submit them to the court.

Divorce Paperwork Preparation Service
An online document preparation service is a convenient solution for cheap divorce in Tennessee. It does not mean someone else will file for divorce instead of you. However, such services provide an opportunity to get cheap divorce papers online and prepare for a quick divorce in TN without hiring a lawyer.
If you are interested in how to get a cheap divorce in TN quickly and stress-free, and your case is uncontested, an online document preparation service is what you need. To obtain cheap divorce forms this way, you will need to pay a fixed fee and complete an online questionnaire. You will receive ready-made cheap divorce papers online or by courier for an additional cost. Such a method has certain advantages:
- It is much cheaper than a traditional divorce but less risky than a DIY one;
- Documents required for your case will be ready in a few days;
- All forms are court-approved, up-to-date, and filled in with your specific details.
If you choose this option to save money, our reliable and budget-friendly service can help you prepare the papers for a quick divorce in TN. We offer round-the-clock support and filing instructions included.
Cheapest Way to Get a Divorce with a Child in Tennessee
The cheapest way to get a divorce with a child in Tennessee is to agree with the other party on issues of child support, custody, and visitation and prepare for divorce yourself. If you signed a marital settlement agreement and your case is uncontested, you’ve got the answer to the question of how to get a cheap divorce in Tennessee with a child.
Here are the steps you need to follow to get a cheap divorce in Tennessee with a child:
- Determine and fill out the required forms. You can prepare them yourself or contact an online document preparation service to obtain cheap divorce papers online.
- Submit a set of documents to the court to start the divorce process.
- Serve the other spouse. If the defendant agrees not to be served, this stage will not be needed.
- Prepare a settlement agreement if you haven’t done it before. In it, you need to specify all the divorce terms regarding child-related issues.
- Attend parenting classes.
- Complete a waiting period of 90 days.
- Schedule a court hearing and finalize the divorce. A trial may be necessary even if there are no disputes left between you and your spouse so that the judge can review the conditions of your agreement.
If you ask, “What’s the cheapest way to get a divorce with a child?”, the answer is dealing with the divorce on your own, provided it is uncontested.

The cheapest way to end the marriage is a DIY divorce, which involves paying only court fees for filing papers. Although this method is the least expensive, it is not the easiest one.
You can get a budget-friendly divorce in several ways. You can act independently, cooperate with a lawyer on a partial basis, or complete cheap divorce papers online with the help of a document preparation service and then continue the process on your own.
The most common and cheapest way to divorce with minor children involved is to resolve child-related issues independently, conclude a marital settlement agreement, and file with the court without hiring a lawyer.